Aylesbury Street Angels
Street Angels provide voluntary Christian support, reflecting the love of God during the night-time, and help to make the town centre safe and enjoyable for everyone.
Since November 2012 a team has been out each weekend (either on a Friday or Saturday night), between 10pm – 2am. They work in partnership with the police, door staff, taxis and other agencies and engage with the public by offering both a listening ear and practical assistance, acting as a calming community presence especially around local pubs, clubs and restaurants.
Street Angels teams comprise a team leader and usually 2 other volunteer street angels. All of these have been recruited from the local churches and have current DBS checks. We also ensure that they have received appropriate training and support before beginning to serve on the streets.
Typically, Street Angels will listen to those who want to talk and offer support to those who are distressed or upset as a result of homelessness, intoxication, drug abuse and/or other issues, referring people onto other relevant agencies when applicable. They can offer help to those who are isolated or separated from friends. They can provide wet-wipes and/or water for those who have been ill or have hurt themselves. On a practical level they give out space blankets on cold nights or flat shoes or wait with someone for a taxi or a lift. They can also safely dispose of bottles and glass.

Street Angels are easily identifiable by their branded jackets bearing the Street Angels logo and their fluorescent ID armband.
Why be a Street Angel? David interviews Andy & Penny on what it’s really like to be a Street Angel
We are part of the Roc Angels network, a national umbrella organisation for Christian night-time initiatives, such as Street Angels. Find out more about the network here.