Latest News from Aylesbury Town Chaplaincy
- Prayer Lunch @ HT, 11 Nov 12pm-1pm – all welcome!
- We’re Still Growing!We are delighted to welcome Charlotte to our Street Angel Team. We also have two new Chaplains in the application process. Our growth is only possible due to our Friends, funders and grant givers so Thank You!
- Aylesbury’s New MP Shadows a Street Angel TeamWe were delighted to host Laura Kyrke-Smith on 5 October when she went along on a Street Angel Shift. Here’s what she wrote on the Everything Aylesbury Facebook page: “The Street Angels play such an important role in the community, keeping people safe and smiling through the night. It was very heartening to see their… Read more: Aylesbury’s New MP Shadows a Street Angel Team
- ROC September UpdateRead the ROC Angels September Update HERE
- Church in the Park – ATC update
- Prayer MeetingOur quarterly prayer meeting – everyone welcome!
- 2023 Annual Report Now PublishedRead our 2023 Annual Report. We are very proud of the work we do and are very grateful to our supporters and volunteers who make ATC possible.
- ROC Angels NewsletterHere is the April newsletter from our umbrella organisation, ROC Angels.
- New Team Members!We are delighted to welcome two new Street Angels to our team. We welcome Mike & Sarah and look forward to fun times together helping to keep Aylesbury a safe and welcoming place. We also welcome Coralie and Mike to our Chaplains team!
- Prayer LunchWe will be holding a Prayer Lunch for ATC on Tuesday 26th March at Holy Trinity Church, at 12.30pm. All welcome. Let me know if you are coming. Thanks.
- Meeting of minds!Mark met up with some other Street Angel and Chaplaincy expressions recently in Oxford. They were able to share stories and best practices and we are very grateful to Matthew Barber, the Police & Crimes Commissioner for making this meet up possible.
- Christmas CheerSome of our volunteers had a fun evening making and decorating biscuits to give out on our Street Angel, Chaplain and HOTS shifts.
- 9.25 GroupMark and Andrew had a good morning presenting ATC to the 9.25 group who meet at Holy Trinity Church recently.
- Thames Valley Police Community Engagement DayMark and Ellie were honoured to be invited to the TVP Community Engagement day to speak about the legacy of ATC. It was a very informative day and we were pleased to support our local police network.
- A Level Results!We are fielding an extra SA shift this month, on 17th August, to be an encouraging presence around town as the young people get their A level results. It’s usually a busy shift!
- Why be a Street Angel?Watch our videos recorded “on the job” from a few of our volunteers on why they love being a Street Angel David interviews Nicola and Clive on why they love volunteering as Street Angels David interviews Andy and Penny on why they love volunteering as Street Angels
- 2022 Annual ReportOur 2022 Annual Report has now been published. Take a look and see how we impacted our community last year.
- New Chaplaincy PlacementWe are very pleased to be able to support Aylesbury Women’s Aid by placing a Chaplain with them to be a listening ear for staff, volunteers and clients. Melody (our Chaplain to the Court) will be taking up this additional role from 18 April.
- Visit to The Macular SocietyEllie, David & Jean had a lovely time sharing about our work at the Macular Society Support Group. One lady recognised Jean from a few years ago, when Jean checked on her as she was sitting alone in town. It was a precious moment.
- Healing on the Streets TrainingWe had a great time at the HOTS training, run by Sue Fox and Mick & Lynn Elias, and you can watch Kay’s Healing Story on our HOTS page.
- Matthew Barber shadows our SA TeamWatch Matthew Barber’s video that he took whilst out with our SA team recently.
- Press Release from Roc AngelsOur good friends and Umbrella Nework, CNI have released a press release to announce the merging of the CNI and Roc networks. The merged network will be called Roc Angels and will be headed up by Paul Blakey. Read the Press Release HERE