Organisations offering Help & Support
This is a list of local & national organisations offfering further help & support. We have done our best to ensure that the information is accurate & up to date, but please contact us if you know of any changes or additions, thank you.
NHS Mental Health Support for Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire (for advice on mental health & wellbeing) Please call 111 or your GP) Callers wil be put through to the dedicated team of mental health experts.
Helping Hand Worried about food/warmth this winter. Buckinghamshire Council helping hand voucher system. Call 01296 531151 or visit the Helping Hand website for full information
Alcoholics Anonymous www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk 0800 9177650 (free helpline). Email: help@aamail.org Various local groups.
Gamcare (for those affected by problem gambling, either directly or those close to them) www.gamcare.org.uk 0808 8020133 or live webchat (24 hours a day)
One Recovery Bucks (supporting those affected by drugs and alcohol in Buckinghamshire) www.onerecoverybucks.org for referral and details of Recovery Hubs 0300 7729672
Narcotics Anonymous www.ukna.org 0300 999 1212 (helpline 10am to midnight daily). Various local groups.
Switch Bucks (substance misuse support service for children & young people) Switch Bucks Drop in sessions in Uptown coffee bar Tues 3-5pm 01494 527000 Email: switchbucks@cranstoun.org.uk
Aylesbury Womens Aid (women supporting women against domestic violence) www.aylesburywomensaid.org.uk Refuge: 01296 436827
Outreach/DVA service: 01296 437777
Mens Advice Line (advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse) www.mensadviceline.org.uk 0808 8010327
Email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
National Centre for Domestic Violence www.ncdv.org.uk 0800 9702070 (free) or text NCDV to 60777 for callback
Sexual Assault and Abuse Support Service – Aylesbury Vale & Milton Keynes (formerly known as Aylesbury Rape Crisis) avmksaass.org.uk
01296 392468 Email: support@avmksaass.org.uk
CAP Debt Centre 0800 3280006(free) (9am-5pm Mon-Fri)
Acorn Community Bank (formerly Aylesbury Credit Union) office@acorncb.co.uk 0303 030 0147
Citizens Advice Aylesbury Vale www.citizensadvicebucks.org.uk Advice Line: Freephone 0808 2787938 (Mon-Fri 9.30am to 4.30pm)
Debt Advice Foundation (a charity offering free, confidential advice) www.debtadvicefoundation.org 0800 0434050 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm)
Step Change Debt Charity (free online advice) www.stepchange.org
Amicus Trust www.amicustrust.org (supporting single homeless) 01234 358478 Email: info@amicustrust.org
AMC Food Free hot meal and foodbank Mondays 7pm Aylesbury Methodist Church
Aylesbury Food Bank aylesbury.foodbank.org.uk 01296 395514 (local helping hand hub)
Aylesbury Homeless Action Group www.ahag.org.uk 01296 435026 (9am to 4.30pm) Email: info@ahag.org.uk
Bridge The Gap free lunch & Aylesbury Foodbank Voucher distribution. Saturdays (twice a month) 12noon to 1.30pm. Southcourt Baptist Church. For more details contact lou@southcourt.org 01296 480080 NOTE: Please call as days & times have changed during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Buckinghamshire Housing Support Service – supports those at risk of homelessness to manage their housing needs. www.p3charity.org for online referral Tel: 0808 164 1810. Email: bucks@p3charity.org
FoodCycle – offers a drop-in community meal once a week. More info here FoodCycle Aylesbury – More than a Food bank | Free Food homeless charity
St Joseph’s free meal, drop-in, Wednesdays, 5pm at St Joseph’s Catholic Church, 56 High Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1SE
Street Link (advise them of rough sleepers so that they can connect people with local services) www.streetlink.org.uk 0300 5000914
Vineyard Storehouse (practical help, furniture/food parcels) www.aylesburyvineyard.org.uk 01296 424440
Alzheimer’s Society (information & support for sufferers and their carers) www.alzheimers.org.uk 0333 150 3456
Buckinghamshire Mind (supports & represents people with mental health needs in the local community) www.bucksmind.org.uk 01494 463364 (Mon-Fri 8.30am to 4pm) Email: info@bucksmind.org.uk
Bucks Recovery College (for those accessing adult mental health services from Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in Bucks) www.buckinghamshirerecoverycollege.org.uk 07748 328758
CALM (helpline & website service for men in crisis) www.thecalmzone.net 0800 585858 (5pm-midnight daily) or live webchat (5pm to midnight daily)
Care Advice Buckinghamshire support & care for adults, their families & carers www.careadvice.buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Heads Together (Heads Up & the FA working together to change the conversation on mental health) www.headstogether.org.uk/heads-up/
Healthy Minds Bucks (NHS service for those experiencing difficulties with stress, anxiety & depression; potential clients can self-refer)
www.healthymindsbucks.nhs.uk 01865 901600 or via website or text “Talk” & your name 07798 667169 for callback
Lindengate (helps improve mental health by providing gardening activities in a tranquil, rural setting in Wendover; also offer Memory Pathways for people with memory loss, confusion or Alzheimer’s and their carers) www.lindengate.org.uk 01296 622443
Never Alone (group meeting to combat loneliness). Third Thursday of the month at The Source, Church of the Holy Spirit, Bedgrove, 10am to 12noon. More info from: Email: community.Bucks@cpjfield.co.uk
Pregnancy Matters www.lifecharity.org.uk Tel: 0808 8025433
The Samaritans www.samaritans.org Free national helpline: 116123 (all day every day)
Safe Haven run by Bucks Mind; crisis support during the evening. www.bucksmind.org.uk/services/safe-haven Call between 6.30pm and midnight. Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed (in Aylesbury) – 01296 453017. Every evening in High Wycombe – 01494 218098
Sexual Health Services & Advice www.sexualhealthbucks.nhs.uk 0300 3032880
Shout for support in a crisis www.giveusashout.org Free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis. Text Shout to 85258
Space local support & care in difficult times. Drop-ins 3 times a week at St. Mary’s Aylesbury (Tues,Fri, Sun) and once a week at Church of the Good Shepherd, Southcourt (Thurs), and online drop-ins. Also walking group & art groups www.aylesburyspace.co.uk 01296 432769
Age UK Bucks (information, help, advice)www.ageuk.org.uk/buckinghamshire 01296 431911
BOPAG (Bucks Older People’s Action Group) (empowering older people in Bucks; signposting to activities in your area) www.bopag.org.uk
Contact the elderly (monthly tea, talk & companionship) www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk/be-our-guest 0800 716543 Local co-ordinator, Suzanne Hyland 0207 881 2361
Silver Line (free confidential helpline for information, friendship & advice) 0800 4708090 (24 hrs a day, everyday)
Youth Concern (advice, guidance, drop-ins & emergency accommodation via Nightstop) Drop-ins at Uptown Coffee Bar, Whitehill Lane Tues-Fri 1pm to 5pm (includes table tennis, pool & drinks)
www.youthconcern.org.uk 01296 431183
Buckinghamshire Disability Service (BuDS) www.buds.org.uk 01494 211179
Bucks Vision (supporting people with visual impairment) www.bucksvision.co.uk 01296 487556
Carers Bucks (supports unpaid carers in the county) www.carersbucks.org 0300 7772722 (local rate)
Child Bereavement UK www.childbereavementuk.org0800 0288840
Cruse Buckinghamshire (help for the bereaved in Buckinghamshire) www.cruse.org.uk 0808 808 1677
Family Information Service (free, impartial information for families with children aged 0 to 19 yrs, up to 25 years with special educational needs or a disability; and young people and professionals) www.bucksfamilyinfo.org 01296 383065 (9am-5pm Mon-Fri)
GRASPS (Aylesbury Autism and Asperger Syndrome Support). A network of supporting, engaging & encouraging members set up by 2 mums ‘each have wonderful sons, diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Contact: 077834 34623 or email: contactgrasp@gmail.com
Hope For Justice Change LIves. End Slavery. www.hopeforjustice.org 0300 008 8000. Exists to bring an end to modern slavery by rescuing victims, restoring lives and reforming society. Training and information awareness information.
If there is any immediate risk of harm or threat to life, call 999. Modern slavery helpline: 0800 0121 700.
Inspire All (To enable all victims of ‘trauma’ to lead fulfilling lives out of the shadow of abuse they have suffered) inspireallcic.weebly.com
01296 706556
Mediation Buckinghamshire (improving relationships & resolving differences between people) www.mediationbucks.org.uk 01494 520821 (10am-3pm)
National Careers Service free impartial careers advice to adults www.nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk National contact centre:0800 100900 or for local face-to-face (appointments can be made for meeting in Aylesbury Library)
Newleaf (offers help to short-term prisoners returning to Bucks & Oxon) www.newleafproject.co.uk 07917 902285
Relate (relationship & family counselling & other services) www.relate.org.uk 0300 003 2324 Email: appointments.ntc@relate.org.uk
Thames Valley Restorative Justice Service Repairing harm. Helping people through the difficult period when they have been a victim of a crime. www.tvrjs.org.uk 01844 487980
Shopmobility Aylesbury (loan scheme for borrowing scooter or wheelchair free of charge while shopping, for anyone with mobility issues) www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/shopmobility-aylesbury 01296 336725. Ground floor of Upper Hundreds carpark. Mon-Fri 9.30am to 4pm & alternate Saturdays 9am to 1pm
SOBS (survivors of bereavement by suicide – support group including local meetings) www.uksobs.org 0300 1115065 (9am to 9pm Mon – Sat) Local groups, Geoff, 07562 336649
TORCH (Vision for people with sight loss) Help & support for those who are blind, partially sighted or losing their sight. www.torchtrust.org 01858 438260
Victims First free emotional & practical support to all victimes & witness of crime, as well as family members of victims, in our area
www.victims-first.org.uk 0300 1234148
Information last updated: May 2022