About Aylesbury Town Chaplaincy
Thousands of people work and visit our town centre everyday. The Aylesbury Town Chaplaincy is an initiative by the local Christian community to help serve their needs. It is an independent charitable trust (registered charity: 1147949) and has volunteers serving as trustees, chaplains and street angels drawn from churches across the town and surrounding area. All are motivated by Christian principles of love and service and fully respectful and committed to serving people of all backgrounds and of all faiths or none.
We work closely with other organisations including the Town Centre Partnership. The previous Town Centre Manager, Diana Fawcett, said “The Aylesbury Town Centre Partnership values the important work undertaken by the Chaplains and the Street Angels. They add a level of reassurance to both our visitors, shoppers and workers that is vital to the success of our town centre.”
We also signpost people to other organisations who are able to offer further help & support to those who need it. For more on this see the Help & Support section.
We are funded by local churches, individuals and organisations as well as several grant-awarding bodies – including TescoBags4Life, Mid-Bucks Association, Thames Valley Police Property Act Fund, The National Lottery Community Fund, Aylesbury Town Council & The Thomas Hickman Charity.
Day-to-day operations are led by our two part-time staff; an Operations Manager and a Chaplains & Street Angels’ Co-ordinator.
They are responsible for recruiting,training and overseeing deployment of our volunteers; all of whom are subject to strict vetting and reference procedures, and agree to take part in a training programme developed and delivered with the help of local partners including the local police service and other Town Chaplaincies.
In all of our activities our teams adhere to clear and appropriate working policies.

Our staff

Mark Knight
Lead Chaplain & Street Angels co-ordinator
e: markkn@aylesburytownchaplaincy.co.uk
Mark works part-time for the Chaplaincy

Ellie Carman
Operations Manager
e: office@aylesburytownchaplaincy.co.uk
Ellie works part-time for the Chaplaincy
Our trustees

Andrew Henderson is our Chair of Trustees;
he attends Holy Trinity Church and volunteers as a Street Angel.

David Finn is a member of Southcourt
Baptist Church and also volunteers as a Street Angel.

Doug Zimmerman is the Team Rector at St. Mary’s, Aylesbury.